"Installation script by Manos Konstantiniadis\nSome bug fixes to this script by Rune Jacobsen :-)"))
(set #MDDest (cat "Please select where to put the 'Moods' directory.\n This will be the place where the data files are stored."))
(set #Working "Installing Moods v1.0...")
(set #DoneText (cat "Please read the Moods_xxx.guide (xxx = language) file to avoid problems using this program"))
(complete 0)
(message #IntroMsg)
(complete 1)
(message "Please note that continuing this installer script means you accept the terms outlined in the 'Legal' section of the Moods_xxx.guide file. If you have not read it yet, do so now.")
(complete 2)
(message "If you are in any way or have ever been affiliated with Microsoft, you MUST read and take the actions required in the Anti-Microsoft Public License. You can aquire this at http://www.oslohd.no/~rune/ms.html")
(complete 4)
(set t (askdir (prompt #MDDest) (default @default-dest) (help (cat "This is where all the data files will be stored"))))
(set target (tackon t "Moods"))
(complete 50)
(if (not (exists target)) (makedir target))
(working #Working)
(complete 75)
(prompt "Creating the files ENVARC:MoodsPath and ENV:MoodsPath to reflect the path of the program.")
(help "These files (enviroment variables) are needed by Moods. If you want to use it properly, then you have to do this. For more information, please read the manual")
(dest "ENVARC:MoodsPath")
(append target)
(dest "ENV:MoodsPath")
(append target)
(complete 88)
(message "Copying Moods to your prefs-directory.")